OLMC’s Children’s and Youth Ministry
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church provides a wholistic faith formation process for children in grades 1-12. Our Children’s and Youth Ministry process promotes the Christian life with comprehensive, age appropriate content, addressing the full person through spiritual, moral, service, and social components. The process involves the slow nurturing of Catholic life through sacraments, Christian witness, story, art, poetry, love, and service. We welcome all families to our parish family, especially newcomers! We are small and personal, come to meet us, or we can come to visit you. “Come and see” what our Lord has to offer to you and your children at our parish and experience the value of being part of a faith community with its intrinsic support mechanisms.
“… Jesus called for the children, saying: “let the little children come to me. Do not shut them off. The reign of God belongs to such as these. Trust me when I tell you that whoever does not accept the kingdom of God as a child will not enter into it.” Luke18:16-17
Parents and children, we invite you to share our parish life! For more information or registration materials, please contact John Bruscia the Director of Children’s and Youth Ministry at (949) 673-2719
or via email jbruscia@olmc.net.
Diocese of Orange Office of Youth and Child Protection https://www.rcbo.org/protect-report/