Do to the generous help of many volunteers and our faithful staff, I am pleased to announce...
This Wednesday, we resume our monthly day of Adoration on the 23rd of each month. The church will be open all day for visits to pray. Adoration begins with the 8am Mass, our usual confessions will be outside in the parking lot from 7 to 8pm, and the day ends at 8pm with Benediction. You are most welcome to come and pray!
This is also a good time to resume our Wednesday night Holy Hour in the church from 7 to 8pm every week, with confessions outside in the parking lot.
The Lord is calling you to come and pray!
Msgr. Doug
Dear parishioners: A few of you asked if I could post a link to the article I quoted in my sermon recently. I am happy to do so. For a few years now, I have been receiving daily reflections from The Catholic Thing - on faith, culture, moral issues, politics - and find them to be consistently thoughtful and solidly Catholic. I recommend you sign up as well,