The parish is involved in many community activities. Please contact Barbara Ryan, John Bruscia, or the Women’s SOUL group for current involvement.
Dried-food items are collected on the first Sunday of each month; drop off your donations in the collection bins found outside the parish hall. Donated items are delivered to S.O.S., feeding the needy in our area.
Packages of disposable baby diapers are collected on the first Sunday of each month and distributed through the Birth Choice Centers of Orange County. Place donated packages of diapers in the collection bin found outside of the parish hall. For information on how to get involved please call the office at (949) 673-3775 ext 0 or email
Guy Lowery (949) 673-3775 ext 114
The OLMC conference of the society of St. Vincent de Paul offers help to local people in need. We respond to calls to the parish hotline to ascertain the nature of the caller’s need and then meet with the caller personally or refer them to an agency better suited to aid them. Sometimes our aid is tangible like food or toiletries which is provided from parishioner donations. Sometimes our aid can be just providing an ear and the assurance that the caller is not alone and not forgotten – least of all by Christ’s church. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance please call (949) 673-3775 ext 114, please leave a detailed message a phone number to call. A member of the SVdP Society will return your phone call within 24 hours.